Well, it's been a while, since I posted. Lots of reasons, for that, really.
First, my new Wind crashed, one evening, and I couldn't even get the Recovery bundled with it, to work. So, I was SOL, because I had no USB DVD drive to load the Recovery DVD with. But, you know...? That's okay, because I really can use an insanely expensive brick.
Because of this, I hit a spot of depression, during which I actually caught what's either a terrible cold, or a mild flu, that's still clinging for dear life in my lungs. Coughed so hard last night that I got sick, and somehow managed to get vomit in my own eye. Still can't figure out how it happened.
But, I spent days and days searching for a fix for my poor Wind. Nothing worked. And when I was ready to give up, I stumbled across Puppy Linux. Information about Puppy can be found here and here. My biggest stumbling blocks were figuring out what to do to burn an ISO to a CD, and that my old, busted up MP3 player could be formatted, to create a bootable version of this. From there, it was just an easy reformat of the empty partition on my machine, and from there, I just installed Puppy. My Wind boots, my files are backed up, and I'm happy.
I may have to remove Windows, and work toward getting another form of Linux or two, on there.
I swear, the less Bill Gates and his evil, soul-sucking brainchild have to be a part of my life, the happier I am.
And much love to the the Bard, and my other friends who got me through the worst of the depression, when it hit.
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