Monday, September 8, 2008

Back Home

Home from my weekend. Couldn't get my camera down there, and couldn't manage any rubbings.

I found out who some of the children are, and they're all related, and all died around the same time.

Didn't get caught up with everything I wanted to, but slept a lot, and have managed to rid myself of a lot of stress.

It's awesome, to relax, but I love coming home to my animals and my friends.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Camping Weekend

When I get up this morning, I'm going to go camping.

It's a nice place, a little less than an hour away, but I get to spend the entire weekend loafing around, relaxing, splashing in Muddy Creek, and catching up on my knitting and reading.

There is a small graveyard, from the 1840s, near the property. All the graves are those of children. Some are babies.

If I can manage a few grave rubbings without doing any damage to the stones, I'm going to attempt it, and may eventually scan or photograph them, and post the pictures here. I love the mystery of the place, and I want to try and solve it, if I can. I love playing detective.

But, yeah, I so love being able to get out of town.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

DIY Plumbing

I praise anyone who can handle DIY plumbing, and handle it well.

My family members... cannot.

Just saying, if you don't know what you're doing, don't touch it!

THe pokeberry ink is fermenting well, and I just finished knitting a scarf, and have already started in on my next project.

Life is fun...