Monday, February 23, 2009

Warrior Woman. RAAAGH!

This morning, we woke up, and started demo on our bathroom. It was crazy, but pretty fun.

First thing: We found a soft spot near our toilet. Needed fixing. Then, my sister, while we were looking into that, happened to pull the paneling away from near our ancient cast iron clawfoot tub. And she found that we, essentially, were taking showers in pretty much midair. And as we were removing the sink to remove the tub, we found that the wooden cupboard/frame used for the sink needed replacing. Yay.

A friend of my mother's is helping with the reworking. And two of my brother's so-called "friends" stopped by to help with the tub moving. The two "friends" left partway through to go play Yu-Gi-Oh! at a local game shop, so I just have to stop and send a big "SCREW YOU!" their way, right now. Essentially, though, everything is being done DIY.

We'd planned to save toilet, sink, and bathtub, originally. Only thing left, is the sink. And we don't even know if we'll be using it, or getting a new one. My sister dropped the toilet, outside, and shattered the tank.

"But what happened to the tub?!" you ask. "Surely a cast-iron antique tub could handle being moved!"

No. It couldn't.

The floor beneath it was rotted out, and it was pretty much in midair, over mush and what my sister calls "paper". It was sitting on beams, and famed in on one side, thankfully, or someone in my family would be dead, now, from having fallen through the floor, in the damned thing.

Anyway... There were six people, ready to move the tub, when we got it disconnected. My mom's friend was where the sink was, closest to the wall. I was next to him, then was my sister, then my brother. The two friends were both in the doorway, each pulling the same corner.

We lifted, and pulled, and next thing we heard was CREAKCRACKBOOM!... and we found ourselves, six people, holding onto this tub for dear life, trying not to let it fall into the basement and trying our damnedest not to fall into the basement with it. We all came pretty close, I'll tell you, but we managed to get it out, at the cost of one of the legs. To get it out of the house, we had to take a sledge to the rest of the legs, and remove them, and drag the tub, after the boys ran off. Again, a big SCREW YOU! to these guys, for leaving us like that.

Then, we had to tear up THREE LEVELS of floor that had been built where the toilet was. Yes, that's right. When the old floor would go, my uncles would do nothing but put a new floor over it, instead of fixing the problem that needed fixing. So, now, there's two huge holes in our bathroom floor, and a major amount of stuff that needs done.

We're getting a new shower (which will be much better for my mother, who's disabled), and a new toilet, and maybe even a new sink.

I've taken some pictures of the demo (including a picture of an old gaslight that's still in the bathroom!), and will also have some, when it's finished, if my mother will let me post them here.

I feel great about being able to work like this. It really makes me feel like I'm a warrior woman, in one of the only ways I can be, in this day and age.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

... With a Little Help From My Friends...

Well, it's been a while, since I posted. Lots of reasons, for that, really.

First, my new Wind crashed, one evening, and I couldn't even get the Recovery bundled with it, to work. So, I was SOL, because I had no USB DVD drive to load the Recovery DVD with. But, you know...? That's okay, because I really can use an insanely expensive brick.

Because of this, I hit a spot of depression, during which I actually caught what's either a terrible cold, or a mild flu, that's still clinging for dear life in my lungs. Coughed so hard last night that I got sick, and somehow managed to get vomit in my own eye. Still can't figure out how it happened.

But, I spent days and days searching for a fix for my poor Wind. Nothing worked. And when I was ready to give up, I stumbled across Puppy Linux. Information about Puppy can be found here and here. My biggest stumbling blocks were figuring out what to do to burn an ISO to a CD, and that my old, busted up MP3 player could be formatted, to create a bootable version of this. From there, it was just an easy reformat of the empty partition on my machine, and from there, I just installed Puppy. My Wind boots, my files are backed up, and I'm happy.

I may have to remove Windows, and work toward getting another form of Linux or two, on there.

I swear, the less Bill Gates and his evil, soul-sucking brainchild have to be a part of my life, the happier I am.

And much love to the the Bard, and my other friends who got me through the worst of the depression, when it hit.