Monday, January 19, 2009

Wow Special Monday Pre-Inauguration Day Postage

I was going to post a different blog entry, today, but then I realized "Hey! It's Martin Luther King's birthday! And Obama is getting sworn in, tomorrow!" So, yeah... That other entry will be put off for a day or two, maybe more, depending on how I feel.

But, yes. Anyone who knows me knows that for every election that I've been old enough to vote in (I'm 25, so that's only about two of them), that I voted for anyone who A) wasn't President Bush, and B) wasn't a Republican. Yes, that's right. I'm a strict Democrat. Especially with the way I've seen the Republicans running this country into the ground, over the past eight years. After the hairless chimp managed to get into office (How he managed it a second time I will NEVER know. I voted for Kerry, and more people should have.), I'm not sure I can ever vote for a republican, because of the things I saw him do.

But yes, I voted for Obama. I helped make a huge historic decision. And tomorrow, I get to see a huge historic event, because of it. To those people living in America right now, consider yourselves very lucky. Nobody will get this particular opportunity ever again. If you can be there, GO. If you can't, get to the closest television, and watch.

I watched Oprah, today, as well. That's something I almost never do. And you know what? She's right. Obama is helping to bring about change, but we, as citizens, have to be part of that change. We have to do what we can, especially when it comes to service. And we have to do the very best we can. This is something far too important to screw up, people. Do what you can, as best you're able. Laziness and procrastination just aren't any excuse, now. Get out, and find some way to help. Even if it's just going for a walk in the park, and picking up litter.

And to Obama... I know you're probably never, ever going to read this... But like I said, sir, this is something far too important to screw up. We're watching how you go about things. If you do a good job, and decide to try for a second term, I can promise you my vote. Good luck to you, and may you become one of the most legendary presidents of all time for reasons aside from the obvious.

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